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Service:90 Minute Trauma Touch Session add another, change

Trauma Touch TherapyTM is a bodywork modality designed to meet the needs of clients with hypersensitivity, trauma, or abuse histories. Client empowerment and choice supports the client in accessing their somatic issues in a safe, nurturing environment. The work is done on a very individual basis and almost always interfaces with the psychotherapeutic process.

Traumas include: physical abuse, mental/emotional abuse, verbal abuse, sexual abuse, holocaust/post-war traumas, environmental traumas, surgery trauma, PTSD, auto accidents, physical injury and childhood traumas.

Characteristics of a person who has experienced trauma: Inability to stay present, inability to feel sensations (going numb), inability to set boundaries, hypersensitivity, repulsion of parts of their body, extreme unease with touch, inability to speak up (locked into silence), continually overcompensating, feeling guilty about being spared the suffering of someone else “witness guilt”, inappropriate emotional outbursts (laughing or crying), extreme irritability or anger when experiencing minor inconveniences, overall feeling of just not feeling like your “old” self or the self you know you can be.

On average, clients experience tremendous success after 10 sessions. Sessions are 90 minutes long and are completed weekly, schedule permitting. Clients often find that 1-2 follow up sessions a year keeps them in tune and feeling like their amazing selves.

Clients are fully clothed during these sessions and all contact with the therapist is 100% client directed.

Sessions with children and teenagers require that parents attend or remain on premises for all sessions.

FIRST TIME, ONLINE SCHEDULERS: Important note for clients using online Scheduling for the first time...

In order to use the online scheduler, you will have to register with the FullSlate site and confirm your email address. Please be on the lookout for the email asking you to click a link in order to make your appointment officially confirmed. At times, this email has ended up in a spam folder - please make sure you locate it, mark it as not spam, and click the link! You will always receive a confirmation email when you have successfully scheduled an appointment! 

Therapist: Erin Woelfel LMT, MH, TTT, RM
Date/time:Choose one of the openings below. (MDT)